Monday, July 18, 2011

Weight Loss Plan: Increase Sleep to Decrease Weight

David Rapoport, MD, associate professor and director of the Sleep Medicine Program at the New York University School made the following statement: "One of the more interesting ideas that has been smoldering and is now gaining momentum is the appreciation of the fact that sleep and sleep disruption do remarkable things to the body -- including possibly influencing our weight."

Researchers have completed studies that confirm that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. This research led to the conclusion that the lack of sleep impacts the two hormones that affect appetite. One of these hormones is called Ghrelin.

Ghrelin is the hormone that people trying to lose weight want no part of. Basically, it makes you hungry for the worst possible foods that are high in calories and provide energy. Unfortunately, this is temporary energy that leads to blood glucose spikes. When these spikes subside, the hunger returns.

The results of an experiment confirming this fact was revealed at a meeting of the Endocrine Society. This experiment tested the effects of Ghrelin on appetite control. Participants volunteered to be injected with this hormone shortly after consuming a satisfying meal. The people ate like they were starving. They chose the higher-fat, higher-calorie foods even though they were already full.

Failure to get sufficient sleep causes your body to produce high levels of Ghrelin. This hormone is produced in order to make us eat in order to restore the energy that is lacking when we awake after not getting the proper amount of sleep. Therefore, the solution to this problem is to get plenty of sleep on a daily basis.

How to Get Adequate Sleep

If you are one of the many people who do not get enough sleep, use the following suggestions to help you increase sleep and decrease the weight.

1- A dark quiet room will make it easier for you to wind down and go to sleep. Even a small amount of light can interrupt your sleep. Also, turn off the television or radio.
2- In order to avoid interrupting your sleep to visit the bathroom, do not eat or drink for at least two hours before you go to sleep.
3- Take a hot bath or shower immediately before going to bed - This will help you to relax and the drop in temperature when you leave the shower or bath will signal your body that its time to sleep.
4- Lay in bed and read a book. This always makes you sleepy.
5- Train your body by getting to sleep the same time every day. Get into a routine and before you know it, you will start to get tired at around the same time each night.

The best way to control the production of Gherlin is to consistently get the proper rest. You will be more energized upon waking and this will lead to a drastic reduction in the production of this hormone. So, start tonight, get in bed, get comfortable, and sleep your way to healthy weight loss.

My name is Carolyn Williams

Getting Adequate amounts of sleep is just one way to effectively lose weight. Get many more details on ways to reach your weight loss goals. For immediate access to free reports and tips on weight loss, visit

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